Jan 10 2013

Stirner’s Critics

translated by Wolfi Landstreicher

With an introduction by Jason McQuinn.

Max Stirner’s 1844 masterwork, Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum (The Unique and Its Property), is one of the most subversive, radical and extreme texts in all of history. It can also be described as one of the most misread, misinterpreted and misunderstood books in the history of modern Western thought. This should not be unexpected. Subversive, radical and extreme texts will always obtain hostile receptions from those targeted by their critiques, whether the critiques are accurate and justified or not.

The book is rather simply – though very cleverly – written with very little use of technical terminology. And Stirner goes out of his way in an attempt to use common language wherever possible, though he often does so very creatively and idiosyncratically. It is also a fairly demanding text for anyone (including nearly every contemporary reader) who is unfamiliar with the cultural background within which it was conceived, written and published. It is possible for it to be read and appreciated without knowledge of this background, however the prospect of adequate understanding – not only of the central points but also their extensive implications – definitely recedes the less a reader is familiar with topics like nominalism, phenomenology, hermeneutics, analytical and dialectical logic, and critiques of religion, ontology, epistemology, ideology and language that were current in Stirner’s day.

From the moment Stirner’s text first appeared, it directly and fundamentally challenged every religion, philosophy and ideology. It didn’t just politely challenge every existing historical religion, philosophy and ideology, which would already have been enough to have made its author many enemies. It also blatantly and scathingly challenged every existing contemporary religion, philosophy and ideology of the day. This, unsurprisingly, made its author persona non grata for all theologians, philosophers and ideologists busily working to perfect or put into practice their grand ideas and theories.

Thus the stage was set for over a century and a half of (most often successful, because most often unopposed) mystification of Stirner’s intentions by his many critics from 1844 through the present. Even the great majority of self-proclaimed proponents of Stirner’s work too often tended to add to the mystification through their own misunderstandings and unself-critical oversimplifications.

from the introduction


Publisher: LBC Books
Buy: January 2013
148 pages, Digest

Purchase at Little Black Cart

Jan 7 2013


Applied Metaphysics

This is a critique of America and what remained of its resistance Occupy.

It comes to pass, at last: this great Leviathan that has swallowed the whole world, now commences its death agony. The mechanical man likened unto the perfected State, with unweeping eyes and unfeeling heart, rusts from its own internal emptiness. The clockwork society breaks down. And the returning ghost towns, like a forgotten malediction, return to gaze mournfully at the passing of the glory of the world. The suburbs, this great gilded prison, agonize as they are left to return to nature, to slowly decay in their false-seeming gentility. Like unto like, America “is the nothingness that reduces itself to nothingness”, in the words of Hegel. Such are the heart-rending times the Americans inhabit.

That America and its way of life are ending, there is not the slightest doubt. But for what reason,
and in what manner, and what can possibly come next? What happens in the gap between two worlds, when the new is only dimly glimpsed like a far shore in the night, and the old is disappearing so fast there seems to be no solid ground remaining? Questions of first things and of last things necessarily arise. This is the position of our generation. This is our position, along with our generation—at the very end of America, and the very beginning of something new. So we are as Ancients, we, fingering our threadbare fragments of memory collected from this dying civilization. Is it gone, then, this whole shape of a world? We welcome its passing. Is this the future rushing towards us? We must ready ourselves. We are the only ones who have really started, because we are the only ones who have started to think.


Publisher: LBC Books
Buy: December 2012
148 pages, Digest

We are discussing this title here

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Jan 7 2013

Anarchist International

Based on the website Anarchist International this is a based on reality story of an international cabal based everywhere.

Fellow members of the Anarchist International, our opponent is everywhere, and we need not consider how seemingly insignificant our efforts are. As long as the chaos, mystery, and ferocity of our actions pierce directly into the heart of capitalist normality, we may consider all tactics legitimate and worthy of repetition. Authority is everywhere and thus so are we, constantly struggling to undermine it.


Publisher: LBC Books
Buy: November 2012
188 pages, Digest

Purchase at Little Black Cart

Jul 17 2012

Treatise on Etiquette

for the younger generations

Raoul Vaneigem’s Treatise on Etiquette for the Young Generations represents a refusal of representation and bureaucracy, along with the emphasis on autonomous desire, play and festivity. This book reflects the anarchistic impulse of the Situationist International and the events of May 1968. This edition will continue to make this important title accessible to a new “Young Generation”, as well as offering a new introduction from Jason McQuinn (former publisher of Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed, which serialized the English translation before it was available in book form in the US) and an affordable price.

This edition is also a benefit for Long Term Anarchist Prisoners. As anarchists it is important to extend solidarity, as we can, towards our comrades who are incarcerated by the state for their actions, especially as these actions represent attacks on the institutions of the state itself.

Currently the list of LTAP is small but the occupy movement is sure to grow this number. The LTAP we are currently supporting (with the sales of this book) include:

Marie Mason who admitted her involvement in the burning of an office connected to GMO research and the destruction of a piece of logging equipment. At her sentencing in February 2009, she received a sentence of almost 22 years. She is unrepentant.

Eric McDavid was entrapped by a paid government informant – “Anna” – and was charged with a single count of conspiracy. Eric – who never carried out any actions and was accused of what amounts to “thought crime” – refused to cooperate with the state and took his case to trial. He was sentenced to almost 20 years in prison.

Learn More about LTAP:

June 11th day of action
Marie Mason support page
Eric McDavid support page

Publisher: LBC Books
Buy: July 2012
310 pages, Digest

Purchase at Little Black Cart

Jul 17 2012

Crime Thought

Crimethinc has been the most accessible introduction to anarchist ideas in the past 50 years. Crimethinc has also been accused of being ahistorical, lifestylist, subcultural, and more.

This book examines Crimethinc and dissects whether the accusations, assertions, and claims are true. This book asks where is the crime and where is the thinking in the Crimethinc project.

Publisher: Crime Thought
Buy: June 2012
130 pages, Digest
ISBN 978-1-62049-004-4

Purchase at Little Black Cart

Jun 5 2012

Uncivilized: The best of Green Anarchy Magazine

From 2001 until 2008 the Eugene Oregon collective that produced Green Anarchy magazine created the most exciting refresh of one of the oldest kinds of Anarchism, Green Anarchism. Instead of geography, ecology, & windmills Green Anarchy magazine presented anthropology, action, and crazed theory against civilization.

Uncivilized is this story and more. It collects the uncompromising attack against civilization, technology, the Left that GA provided shaped into a weapon for the next generation of anti-civilization anarchists.

In this vein we announce the publishing of Uncivilized: The best of Green Anarchy Magazine on the new Green Anarchy imprint of LBC Books. You can find the book here.

In addition to publishing the book we have collaborated with Anarchy Planet to make sure that the PDFs of Green Anarchy magazine will never dissappear. Every issue (#6-#25) of Green Anarchy can be found at http://greenanarchy.anarchyplanet.org.

You can also read one of the three introductions to Uncivilized by John Zerzan at the same location – http://greenanarchy.anarchyplanet.org/2012/06/05/introduction-by-john-zerzan/

Table of Contents


Welcome to (the best of) Green Anarchy
I Suppose It was Worth a Shot


So Vast the Prison
What is Green Anarchy – GA Collective
Operation Civilization I & II – Saura Agni
Rising of Barbarians – Wolfi Landstreicher
Locating an Indigenous Anarchy – Aragorn!


A Dark and Hungry God Arises
Science: Civilization’s Ally – Ran Priur
Sermon On The Cybermount – Rev Black Ahole
Towards Something New – Terra Solvagio
Tech & Class Struggle – Wolfi Landstreicher
Godfrey Reggiou Interview

The Left

Anti-Left Anarchy
Nature of the Left
Leftism 101 – Lawrence Jarach
Liberation not Organization – A. Morefus
Ten Blows against Politics – Il Pugnale
The Left-Handed Path of Repression – Crocus Behemoth
Not My Vision of Liberation – Leaf S. Alone
Beyond Utopian Visions – A. Morefus
China’s War on Nature – Uncarved Block
Barbarism & Authoritarianism – Jesús Sepúlveda

Ongoing Death March

As the World Burns
Zero War: Total Liberation – Dave Antagonism
To Produce or Not To Produce – Kevin Tucker
Limits of Illusion, Limits of Exhaustion – Dan Todd
A Surrounding for Us to Live Within – A Friend of Ludd
Thoughts on Predator: An Interview With Ward Churchill
Infantile Paralysis – Sky Hiatt
Why I Hate the City – Sal Insime


The Age of Obedience is Over
Hit Where It Hurts – Ted Kaczynski
In the Mean time – Primal Rage
Does Not Compute – Austin Train
The Enemy is Quite Visible – Terra Salvagio
Electric Funeral – Havoc Mass
Lights Camera Action – Grievous Amalgam
Revolt of the Savages – Kevin Tucker
Contributing to Momentum against Civilization I & II – Felonious Skunk
Nihilism & Strategy – Aragorn!
Thinking through the Fall – Ran Priur
When I Walk through the Valley – Ann I. Solation
Youth Liberation
Play Fiercely – Wolfi Landstreicher


A Call for Escape Routes
We are All Indigenous – Homer Bust
Strangers Touching the Void – Sky Hiatt
Why Misery Loves Company – Ron Sakolsky
I am Not a Machine – Mia X.Kursions
Intuition as a Crucial Part of Rewilding – Ardilla
A Question of Spirit – Faith Stealer
Seeds on the Breeze – Scavenger
We Are Not Separate – A.R. Son
Stones Can Speak – Jesús Sepúlveda
Reclaiming the Myth-Time – Scavenger
About Getting Free from the Myth of Revolution – Pablo A
Max & I – (I)Anok
Dust in the Wind – Mysteria
The Error of Correction

Flights Of Fancy

Dreams with Sharp Teeth
Earth’s Lament – Everyday Revolution
The Dream – L’argonauta
Diary of a Female Hunter/Gatherer – Army of the 12 Monkeys
When the zombies take over, how long till the electricity fails?
Reclus – Fire


Silence – John Zerzan

Mar 20 2012

Theory of Bloom by Tiqqun

The Theory of Bloom is the theory of the isolated subject of the modern era.

The Bloom is forced to fixate on certain social roles in order to survive. Worker, housewife, professional, student, citizen, all of the roles are but masks, donned and rarely removed. The Bloom must remain positive while wearing these masks, ignoring its own power and sovereignty.

A Review of ‘The Theory of Bloom’

This short book lays bare our social isolation and the conceptually simple (yet practically difficult) solution to it.

Publisher: LBC Books
Buy: April 2012
160 pages, Digest
ISBN 978-1-62049-002-0

Purchase at Little Black Cart

Mar 15 2012

Freedom: my dream

In March of 2012 we reprint the long out of print title from the other anarchist LBC, the Libertarian Book Club, New York City’s oldest continuously active anarchist institution, founded by Jewish and Italian exiles from fascist Europe in 1946. The book is called Freedom – My Dream and is the autobiography of Enrico Arrigoni (aka Frank Brand) an Italian-born anarchist illegalist who lived during some of the most exciting times in Europe of the past century. He was active against communists and fascists before, during, and after wars, news correspondent in Spain during the Spanish Civil War, and was staunch in his beliefs from beginning to end. This autobiography, the story of a life of resistance to church and state, bullshit and fascism, is full of adventure and heart, stories well told from a life rich with adventure, near escapes, good friends, and better enemies.

Publisher: Ardent Press
Buy: March 2012
380 pages, Digest

Jan 2 2012

Bash Back!

Queer Ultra Violence is a Bash Back! anthology that takes a critical peak at the radical Queer tendency and/or (non)organization from 2007 to 2011.

The anthology includes interviews, analysis, communiques, and other documents relating to Bash Back! or the tendency that it spawned.

We view queer as the blurring of sexual and gender identities. Queer is the refusal of fixed identities. It is a war on all identity. In line with the Bash Back! tendency, for the uses of this anthology queer is trans because the gender binary is inherently oppressive. More often than not, our use of the term queer is interchangeable with our use of trans, though that is not necessarily true of the way in which trans-whatever is used. With these notions we are not naïve. We acknowledge that society ensures Queer is an oppressed identity. Anti-Queer oppression is the systematic violence that people who fall outside of traditional sexual or gender categories encounter.

This title will be released from Ardent Press publishers of anarchist and anti-political texts

Buy: February 2012

Jan 2 2012

Occupy Everything

Anarchists in the Occupation Movement 2009-2011

Purchase at Little Black Cart

Since the first day that Zuccotti Park was occupied there has been a shadowy figure haunting Occupy Wall Street. The anarchist. Who is this anarchist? What role has she played in the Occupy Movement? What would Occupy be without him?

This is a book where anarchists, in their own words, express how and why they engaged in Occupy, what methods they used, and evaluates the success of Occupy on anarchist terms. It also expresses the flexibilty, energy, and experience that anarchists brought to The Occupy Movement as it moved beyond lower Manhattan onto the docks and streets of Oakland, the town square of Philadelphia, and abandoned buildings around the country.

The anarchists’ way of operating was changing our very idea of what politics could be in the first place. This was exhilarating. Some occupiers told me they wanted to take it home with them, to organize assemblies in their own communities. It’s no accident, therefore, that when occupations spread around the country, the horizontal assemblies spread too.
-From Nathan Schneider in The Nation

Contributors: Antistate STL, Anon, Ben Webster, Cindy Milstein, Crescencia Desafio, Crimethinc, David Graeber, Denver ABC, Dot Matrix, Ignite! Collective, ingirum, John Jacobsen, Phoenix Insurgent, R.R, Serf City Revolt, TEOAN, Tides of Flame, TriAnarchy

Edited: Aragorn! publishes at Little Black Cart, edits The Anvil Review and writes on popular culture, nihilism, and identity. He blogs and does technology consulting.

Buy: January 2012
250 pages, Digest
ISBN 978-1-62049-000-6

Purchase at Little Black Cart


*Table of Contents*



  1. From Tsarist Russia to Zuccotti Park: the Paradox of Anarchism by Thai Jones
  2. Squatting in the Beginning by ADILKNO
  3. We are the Crisis by anonymous
  4. The Characteristics of the Occupation by anon
  5. Resolution by Public Assembly of Syntagma

Ideas as Origins – Theory

  1. Autonomous Organization and Anarchist Intervention by Wolfi Landstreicher
  2. Occupy Wall Street’s Anarchist Roots by David Graeber
  3. Reclaim the Cities by Cindy Milstein
  4. Occupied with Class by Phoenix Insurgent



  1. Chicago – Open Letter to Occupy Chicago by some potential friends/enemies
  2. Portland – An Anarchist Account by A Former Occupier
  3. Southern Ontario – Why are Anarchists Involved by Some Southern Ontario Anarchists
  4. Vancouver – Occupation is a Fuckin’ Freak Show & notes for We, Antagonists by d.
  5. Chapel Hill – This Building is Ours by anonymous
  6. Santa Cruz – 75 Hours In by anonymous


  1. Who Threw the Can of Green Paint by Ben Webster
  2. We are Anarchists by anonymous
  3. We are Our Own Demand by Cindy Milstein


  1. #occupywallstreet Begets by Ignite! Collective
  2. Eyewitness Testimony by anonymous
  3. Denver ABC Statement on Occupy Denver

St Louis

  1. Introduction by anonymous
  2. Are We an Occupation or Just a Gathering by anonymous
  3. N17 by anonymous


  1. The Port Shutdown was a Wild Success! by anonymous
  2. Capital Hell Commune by anonymous
  3. Becoming Uncontrollable: an Anarchist Reflection on Occupy Seattle by anonymous


  1. Open Letter to the Anarchists of Occupy Oakland by TEOAN
  2. #occupyoakland: One Week Strong by Autonomous Individuals
  3. Dear Occupy Oakland by ingirum
  4. Letter from an Anonymous Friend after the Attack by anonymous

Oakland General Strike/Port blockade

  1. Statement on the Occupation of 520 16th St. by Some Friends of Occupy Oakland
  2. Blockading the Port is Only the First of Many Last Resorts by Society of Enemies
  3. The Anti-Capitalist March and the Black Bloc by member of Bay of Rage
  4. Oakland’s Third Attempt at a General Strike by Hieronymous

Violence and the Police

  1. Seven Myths about the Police by CrimethInc

Next Steps (Strategy)

  1. The Other Way to Occupy Denver by igloosRforever
  2. A Somewhat Belated Intro Communique by The Turritopsis Nutricula Collective
  3. Occupy Wall Street Act 2 by Peter Lamborn Wilson
  4. Occupy Boston’s Anarchist Alliance Calls for Neighborhood-Based General Assemblies by anon
  5. Occupy Wall Street’s Next Steps by John Jacobsen


  1. Lost in the Fog by Lost Children’s School of Cartography
  2. A Debate on Occupation and the 99% by Cresencia Desafío & R.R.(anon)
  3. Occupation, the Other Word for Work by Wylden Freeborne
  4. On the Recent #occupations: a communique from W.A.T.C.H.
  5. Occupying Terminology by Dot Matrix
  6. I’m Tired of This Shit by anonymous


  • Thank You Anarchists by Nathan Schneider

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In honor of the year anniversary of this books release we offer the epub download of the entirety of it for free.
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