The BASTARD Chronicles

Every year for the past 13 years we have held a conference as part of the events around the SF Anarchist Bookfair in March. Some of the best conversations and theoretical work in the North American anarchist space has been shared in these rooms. That content has not escaped (to a large degree) the conference environment. Now it will. Starting with the 2014 BASTARD conference we will publish some version of the content that is delivered at the event itself. It will include a reportback of the days events and some sense of the ideas, arguments, and energy that has made the Berkeley Anarchist Students of Theory And Research & Development conference the anarchist theory hit of the past two decades.


Issue One: Social War

Given the conflicting, at times mutually exclusive, ideas about what social war is, this conference allowed people to explore those contradictions and alliances.

These readings are mostly writings from the presenters, from Jason McQuinn to Tom Nomad, William Gillis to Aragorn! The significant exception is the piece on the presentation with CrimethInc and Institute for Experimental Freedom, for which there is a conversation based on the presentation.

DOWNLOAD the 2014 issue of The BASTARD Chronicles: Social War
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Purchase The BASTARD Chronicles: Social War at Little Black Cart